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8. Tools

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8.1. Synchronize Folders tool

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Called via Tools > Sync Folders.

8.2. Quick Compare Directories

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Called via Tools > Quick Compare Directories.

This tool selects on each side those files and folders (or files only, or folders only) that are missing at the other side. Selected files are highlighted. It is useful to perform a quick comparison and then apply a certain action to the selected files, such as downloading or uploading or local zipping via "Windows Context Shortcut Menu", etc.

Note, the files that are passed through the filter are compared only.

8.3. Run user FTP commands

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Called via Tools > Execute custom FTP commands.

This is useful if you need to run those FTP commands that can not be executed via other interface options of the program. For example, you can run HELP, SYST and other commands. You can execute several commands at a time, each command must be on a separate line.

Note that commands that involve data connection, such as RETR, may not be executed via this option.

See also Site Manager > Advanced Tab .