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8.4.2. Firewall

www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 8. Tools > 8.4. Options > 8.4.2. Firewall

The program can connect to the FTP server via a firewall. Supported firewall types are: any generic FTP firewalls and SOCKS firewalls.

Note that if connected via the firewall it may be impossible to establish PORT data connections (only PASV). This is set at Options > Connections and transfers . "Generic FTP" firewall type

www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 8. Tools > 8.4. Options > 8.4.2. Firewall > "Generic FTP" firewall type

This is the most common firewall type. It means there is a proxy FTP server, that accepts an FTP command at the beginning of the FTP session in order to resolve a remote FTP server that the client wants to connect to. This FTP command could be "USER username@host", "SITE host", "OPEN host", etc. You can find the command required in the documentation to the firewall software.

The program allows any FTP commands to be passed to the firewall. This gives a great deal of flexibility. You can edit and put your own commands, one on a line. There are variables available to use with the commands, they are:

%host%FTP site host
%port%FTP site port
%username%FTP site username
%password%FTP site password
%firewall_username%Your username at the firewall
%firewall_password%Your password at the firewall

To make custom FTP commands, first set the firewall type to be any of "Generic FTP", then edit the commands as you need.

Note, just like in executing custom FTP commands tool, commands that involve establishing a data connection, such as LIST, are not allowed. Also after execution of these FTP commands, USER and PASS commands will be issued just if the program is not logged in and depending on which of them was issued during the negotiation with the firewall. SOCKS Firewall type

www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 8. Tools > 8.4. Options > 8.4.2. Firewall > SOCKS Firewall type

SOCKS firewall supports any TCP based protocol, not only FTP. The program is compatible with SOCKS v4 (and v4a) as well as SOCKS v5 types of firewall. If you are not sure which version of SOCKS is supported by the firewall, try SOCKS5 first.

Note that with SOCKS5 the program supports only "No authentication required" and "Username/Password Authentication" which is defined in RFC #1929. It doesn't support GSSAPI authentication.

Note that some tested SOCKS implementations don't process BIND command, it means that data connections should be set to PASV on Options > Connections and transfers.