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7. File transfers, queue

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7.1. Drag&drop directions

7.2. Resuming failed downloads

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If the main connection to the FTP site is still alive, but the file transfer has failed for any recoverable reason ( such as TCP/IP failure, timeout or server returned 425, 426, etc reply ), then transfer resumes automatically.

You also can resume the transfer manually anytime later, using either Resume download or Resume upload menu items from Remote or Local submenus. To resume the transfer this way you need to locate the file on both local and remote browsers' file lists (i.e. go to the folders containing the file both locally and remotely) and then initiate resuming.

Resuming means that a file will be transferred from the point where it has been broken, thus you won't spend the time and bandwidth re-getting already transferred piece of the file.

If you resumed the file that was never transferred, it would be transferred from the beginning as if you would use Download or Upload commands. Note you can resume the transfer of the whole directory, it means that its child files will be resumed.

Note, the server must support REST command to enable resuming. Note, when resuming files that are transferred in ASCII mode, the program uses a network byte count as the REST marker (counting the end of line as two bytes), not just as a pure file offset, which should be a proper way to do things. It means the FTP server should also utilize this approach. Note, this issue is not discussed in the RFC #959.

7.3. Transfer type

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7.4. Automatic setting of file permissions (rights, chmod)

www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 7. File transfers, queue > 7.4. Automatic setting of file permissions (rights, chmod)

The program can automatically set correct file permissions on upload. For example, it sets 0755 rights for the CGI scripts and 0644 for .htaccess files. This is done only when the transfer type is auto. User can change or assign own permissions for the file types. The server must support SITE CHMOD for this.